Thursday – Music of the Great Film Franchises & Mini-Series focused on the James Bond Film Franchise
8/8 & 8/22 @ 2:00 PM/CH
Instructor: Ira Miller
8/8 Star Wars and John Williams. During the first session on Star Wars, Ira focused on the story behind the making of Star Wars and how John Williams used the music of some of the greatest German Romantic composers as influence for the Star Wars Film Score. During Part II, we will listen to and examine some of the major themes from the three Star Wars Trilogies.
8/22 Ira will introduce a mini-series focused on the James Bond Film Franchise. With 25 Official James Bond Films produced by EON (Everything or Nothing) Productions over 60 years, the approach to the music of James Bond would be quite different from Star Wars. James Bond would be played by seven different actors, involving twelve different film composers, and would involve both plots and music that would reflect what was happening in the world at the time each film was released. Additionally, EON Productions would use pop groups to create the theme songs for most of the James Bond movies. On August 22nd, we will look at the overall history of the franchise, how the iconic James Bond Theme came about, and how it is used to connect all 25 James Bond films.