

Lions Gate / Event (Page 3)

1/20 & 1/27 @ 11:00 AM/CH Instructor: Professor Judy Okun In the class, we will trace the dynamic evolution of the English language through its Germanic origins, Norse and Norman invasions, to its current position as a global language. We will also examine the development of alphabets...

1/13 & 1/27 @ 7:30 PM/CH 1/13 Carly Simon: Becoming famous in the early 1970s, she brought a style of introspective folk-rock style music, often teaming up with her sister, Broadway composer Lucy Simon and her husband, James Taylor. Her famous song, “You’re So Vain” has...

1/7, & 1/21 @ 11:00AM/CH Instructor: Heathe Overdor Literary Fingerprints – How novels and poetry reflected culture, society, and taboos of the 17th and 18th centuries, leading to feminist writers like Mary Brunton, Maria Edgeworth and Jane Austen; to socio-political adventure writers like Alexander Dumas and Charles...

1/8, 1/15, 1/22 & 1/29 @ 10:00 AM / MR Instructor: Steve Pollack (Please note: The Critical Thinking classes have been focused on topical/political issues, but will re-focus on critical thinking habits, going forward) Examining the difference between bias and reason – how the most difficult and...

1/8, 1/15, 1/22 & 1/29 @ 11:00 AM/CH Instructor: Steve Pollack  Post-Civil War Restoration, The Gilded Age, Immigration in America, Vladimir Lenin, War with Spain and Labor Unrest...

1/22 & 1/29 @ 1:00 PM/CH Instructor: Harriet Hendel Instructor: Harriet Hendel Ken Burns documentary series. Part 3 and 4.         1/22   "Every Single Word Matters" (Part 3)         1/29 “Home Is A Work in Progress" (Part 4)...

1/15 & 1/29 @ 2:15 PM/CH Hosted by: Cantor Jana Schachter 1/15-Cantor’s Class-This week, we will begin to read the Book of Exodus in synagogue. In preparation, we will learn about the life of Moses’s sister, Miriam and his wife, Zipporah. 1/29-Cantor’s Class-In this class we will learn...