
Planned Giving



We all desire significance – to lead happy and fulfilled lives surrounded by family and friends. For many of us, there is a compelling need to make a difference that leads us to ponder our legacy.

What kind of legacy will you leave?

The Lions Gate Legacy Funds allows you, as the donor, to continue your philanthropic efforts beyond your lifetime. A gift in your will is perhaps the easiest and most tangible way to leave a lasting impact on the people who reside at Lions Gate that mean the most to you.

There are multiple options in which to designate your legacy gift:

  • Lions Gate Community Fund – helps maintain the financial strength and well-being of the community and of all residents.
  • Lions Gate Legacy Fund – offers resident confidential financial support to cover expenses of daily living when their assets become depleted through no fault of their own.
  • Lions Gate Activities Fund – pays for community activities provided under the direction and leadership of the Lions Gate Residents Association.

Your gift can include a present-day gift of cash or stock, a gift which will be realized in the future such as an insurance benefit, IRA, charitable gift annuity, or other assets gifted through your will.

Another consideration for residents is to designate a percentage of your entry fee to one of our Lions Gate Legacy Funds which helps alleviate inheritance taxes. Your legacy gift can be customized and structured to fit your dreams, lifestyles, family and financial needs.

Through your thoughtful planning, our Lions Gate Legacy Funds will allow you to leave a lasting legacy and provide a positive situation for you, your family and Lions Gate. We are here to answer any questions and meet with you to discuss your choices.

Circle of Life Society

Become a member of our Circle of Life Society. Our Legacy Donors believe that all of us deserve the best possible aging experience in our community. As a valued partner and donor, you will make a difference by helping seniors live with dignity and a quality of life that enhance all aspects of wellness. Members of our Circle of Life Society will be acknowledged in our newsletter, at our annual fundraiser, and other special events, in person or virtually. Join our Circle of Life Society and become part of something bigger than yourself!

“Wealth may last a lifetime. A legacy of good deeds lasts forever.”

Schedule an appointment to discuss your legacy today. Contact us at (856) 679-2189.

For more information, please contact
Sarah Zalcmann at [email protected]
