
Wednesday – “The Secret Army: Female Spies – Part One: The Revolutionary War through the Civil War”

Lions Gate / Event  / Wednesday – “The Secret Army: Female Spies – Part One: The Revolutionary War through the Civil War”

Wednesday – “The Secret Army: Female Spies – Part One: The Revolutionary War through the Civil War”

2/5 @ 1:00 PM/CH

Presented by Herb Kaufman

A spy is a person who is sent into enemy territory to inspect their works, ascertain their strength, and secretly communicate intelligence.  In accordance with the rules of war, a spy, if caught, is subject to capital punishment.

Espionage and spying are the least understood, yet one of the most interesting aspects of history.  Intelligence gathering has traditionally been considered the domain of men.  Until recently, the exploits of women who served as spies have often been overlooked or considered of little importance