
Wednesday – Women in History; Myths, Legends and Lore & Abraham, Mary Todd and the Lincoln Lineage

Lions Gate / Event  / Wednesday – Women in History; Myths, Legends and Lore & Abraham, Mary Todd and the Lincoln Lineage

Wednesday – Women in History; Myths, Legends and Lore & Abraham, Mary Todd and the Lincoln Lineage

1/8, & 1/15 @ 1:00 PM/CH

Hosted by: Barbara Anderson

1/8 Women in History; Myths, Legends and Lore

While women’s history has often been ignored or even erased over the centuries, many women have made huge impacts on society.  However, historical knowledge is often imperfect or erroneously portrayed by myths, half-truths, general omissions, or even total fabrication.

This program examines the true and fascinating stories of women from ancient times through the American Revolution who are often described inaccurately and seeks to enlighten as to their true individuality and describe their accurate place in history.


1/15 Abraham, Mary Todd and the Lincoln Lineage

The life and relationship of our 16th President and his wife have been the subject of many articles, books and theatrical presentations.  This program examines their life and relationship, dispelling the myths and exploring the events that shaped their lives.  The program examines their early lives, marriage, children, medical conditions, the assassination and their direct descendants.