
Tuesdays – Travel & Photography

Lions Gate / Event  / Tuesdays – Travel & Photography

Tuesdays – Travel & Photography

7/2 & 7/23 @ 2:30 PM/CH

Instructor: Pat Worley     

Zimanga Game Preserve

 7/2 Pat’s recent adventure to Africa placed her in underground hides where she was able to view elephants, wildebeest and various other wildlife and birds up close and personal both during the day and at night! Many of her shots and video clips will give you a very unusual viewpoint of the animals from below as they drank from watering holes totally unaware of the cameras.

 Time-lapse Photography

 7/23 One of Pat’s personal projects over the last couple of years was to venture into time lapse photography.  Time-lapse photography is the art of taking single photographic images and combining them to create a video that shows the movement of the environment around you.  She will share short videos of various flowers opening, night scenes and how they were created.